[SpecSwitch] Dual Spec Manager for PVP/PVE/Instance This plugin is small, simple, and has a quick and easy GUI for setup. Unzip the entire SpecSwitch directory into your Honorbuddy\Plugins folder. Goto the plugins tab in bot and click Recompile All of bot was already open, or simply start the bot. Click SpecSwitch in the list. Click the check box to enable it. Click Settings. If you can't figure it out. Well I don't know what to tell you. If your Custom Class doesn't recognize spec switches. Complain to its author. It will only trigger if you join a new battleground as you can only change spec while in preparation room. 1.1.0 - Now Supports Instances too. 1.1.1 - Fixed a small bug causing settings not to save.
Damn it! Now I need to fix my CCs so they see the talent spec change EDIT: currently only doing 1 check when you start HB.
I just need to add a waittimer and a IsFinished to mine in Pulse to update for this will be in the next release of Shadowstrike.
This is an awesome plugin, have been waiting for this! Ill try it out tonight for sure! I was thinking about it the other day (bear in mind I cant program anything), but can you not program it so it switches specs when you get the BG popup (invite) and are out of combat (outside the bg), right before it accepts the invite. I reckon there must be seperate programming indicator (or whatever its called) for the BG invite in honorbuddy. That way you can switch before you enter, as well. anyways Im going to enjoy this plugin! Thanks!
You can hook the Lua event "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED" and just re-parse the current talents. (The event is fired when the... well.. read the event name.)
Brilliant idea wired, can't wait to try this with InstanceBuddy. Thanks for the hard work again! Actually, would it be possible to add Equipment switching for each spec too? So e.g. two text boxes, each with the Equipment Set name, for Primary and Secondary spec.
Hey Icenode, If you want to switch equipment it might be easier to install the ''outfitter'' addon, which can automatically switch gear according to talent spec, zone, holiday, you name it...
I have been using this plugin for a while now and so far so good. However I noticed that for some bg's it doesnt work. It will start channelling the talent change, but then while its channeling HB will start moving to the gate (AB, AV)(using W00ts profiles if this matters) and the channel will be interrupted, after which my toon will spend the remainder of the BG healing while in enhancement spec. Its not really dramatic, but could it maybe be looped or something, so it will keep changing spec aslong as the BG has not started yet?
would this change gear set? i have a disc/shadow priest where it doesnt matter.. but wanna run a feral/resto druid. EDIT: durr.. haddnt read the 2nd page.. sorry
I just downloaded this to use, and i want to be Ele for PvE and Resto for PvP. So i set PvP as Primary Spec (resto) and PvE and Secondary Spec (ele) and i was Ele when the BG que popped, and it never changed to Resto and now the game has started so now i'm healing as Ele. *EDIT* The CC supports spec changes, so my problem still stands.